Brief Description
The inspiration for Group 9’s campus design derived from a No Waste concept that emphasized no waste of culture, time, space, landscape, people, climate, and research as well as the literal interpretation of no waste. These concepts manifest in the campus design through ideas like repurposing existing agricultural fields on site as experimental growing fields for agriculturally focused classes in an attempt to reduce the waste of existing landscapes. Similarly, the physical design and connectivity of the campus was modeled after a Prunus hainanensis leaf to honor the concept of no waste of culture, as this species of tree is endemic to the island of Hainan. The goal in inspiring campus design through these concepts is to honor the culture and vibrancy of Sanya, while also bringing in new technology and modes of thinking into the campus.
Team Members
Prof. Anne Haven Kiers (UCD)
Team Members:
- Gabriela Caixeta (USP)
- Joanna Chen (UCD)
- Lai Zhiyong (CAU)
- Pasha Vredenbregt (WUR)
- Sage Taber (CORNELL)
- Wu Jun (HNU)
Group Photo