Brief Description
Our project is focused on creating a resilient environment. Our “1 + x” approach is based on two main aspects. The “1” part of the project is related to the sustainability of the project and how to better use the resources we available onsite. The “ + x” is based on the resilience of the project. Resilience is defined as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or toughness. Therefore, our project intends to reestablish resilience in this ecosystem by providing a deep restoration to the most fragile part of this environment: the riparian zone.
The area is divided in distinct uses, including work/study, student living, nature conservation agricultural areas in. Also, the project includes recreational areas, being one inside the nature conservation area, which will be made as an environment for people to be in touch with nature, while studying and preserving it.
Some sustainability features covered in the project include ecosystem corridors; green wall and green roof tops; restoration and preservation of mangrove forest; restoration of reedbeds; multifunctional farms along with local population for food production, research and education and rain gardens
The buildings are meant to be integrated with nature, creating an eco-friendly environment allowing people to reach their professional and social potential. Hence, the greatest strength of this project is the creation of a culturally diverse environment, with great respect to tradition and no fear of the modernity. Only this way, resilience can be achieved, through an alliance between nature and people.
Team Members
Prof. Thiago Romanelli (USP)
Team Members:
- Fernando Filho (USP)
- Kimberlee Anderson (UCD)
- Liang Yixin (HNU)
- Mira Driskell (CORNELL)
- Nienke Eikelenboom (WUR)
- Wu Yongzun (CAU)
Group Photo