Brief Description
'A Park in Harmony' is a design rooted in the concept of Harmony, the peaceful and respectful joining of parts to create a common ground. In our design process, Harmony emerges by balancing and finding the overlap between disciplines, people, and the surrounding settings, allowing different influences to cooperate. By creating Harmony, one ensures that every piece becomes part of a bigger whole.
Over many hours of collaborative discussion and research, we focused on three key nodes of Harmony: College and Community, Teaching and Practice, and Land and Sea, and developed concepts to create a common ground within and between each pair.
The overall plan is based on current landscape features and predicted changes to it. To design the University Park, we have considered current topography, climatic patterns, hydrology and the native vegetation of Yazhou Bay, as well as the impact of predicted sea level rise. In this way we have designed the campus to work with the existing environment rather than fight it. Some highlights of the master plan are an all-Park hub, zoning for the 5 universities, plans for shoreline management, and recreational green space, all with ocean sunset views. We have also included thorough circulation plans to allow for a Park free of personal gas-powered vehicles, following our intention of a campus in harmony with its environment.
'A Park in Harmony' has been designed with breath-taking details and methodical teamwork, creating a well-rounded and inventive plan, fitting for its key role on the global stage.
Team Members
Prof. Agnes Patuano (WUR)
Team Members:
- Chen Yi (CAU)
- Jeroen Bredero (WUR)
- Isabella Culotta (CORNELL)
- Lucas Rosa (USP)
- Li Meining (HNU)
- Yitong Zhang (UCD)
Group Photo